For those interested in this subject here we are going to take care of providing all the information regarding How to know which is my guardian angel? 🙂
How to know which is my Guardian Angel?
Here in this section we are going to indicate the way to know which is my guardian angel, since there are people who believe in this type of spiritual issues and that others begin to believe after living experiences where they feel that there was a miracle.
A simple way to know which is the guardian angel is from the date of birth.
How to Know Which is my Guardian Angel According to my Date of Birth?
Each person has a guardian angel who is in charge of protecting him from all evil, even when that person is away from his angel, since His mission is to ensure the well-being of the group of people who were granted to him by his date of birth.
There are 72 guardian angels, where each one takes care of those born on 5 days of the calendar according to their date of birth, in this way to cover the 365 days of the year, but as you can see there are 5 days left, which are governed by the entire set of angels.
So next we will show you a list with the dates of birth and with the respective guardian angels that correspond to each individual, so that you can guide yourself and know which is your angel;
Month of January 👼
- From January 2 to 6 the Guardian Angel Yeialel.
- From January 7 to 11 the Guardian Angel Harahel.
- From January 12 to 16 the Guardian Angel Mitzrael.
- From January 17 to 21, the Guardian Angel Umabel.
- From January 22 to 26 the Guardian Angel Iah-hel.
- From January 27 to February 1 the Guardian Angel Anauel.
February month 👼
- From February 2 to 6, the Guardian Angel Mehiel.
- From February 7 to 11 the Guardian Angel Damabiah.
- From February 12 to 16 the Guardian Angel Manakel.
- From February 17 to 21, the Guardian Angel Eiael.
- From February 22 to 26 the Guardian Angel Habuhiah.
- From February 27 to March 3 the Guardian Angel Rochel.
Month of March 👼
- From March 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Jabamiah.
- From March 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Haiaiel.
- From March 14 to 19 the Guardian Angel Mumiah.
- From March 20 to 24 the Guardian Angel Vehuiah.
- From March 25 to 29 the Guardian Angel Jeliel.
- From March 30 to April 3 the Guardian Angel Sitael.
Month of April 👼
- From April 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Elemiahl.
- From April 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Mahasiah.
- From April 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Lelahel.
- From April 19 to 23 the Guardian Angel Aciaiah.
- From April 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Cahetel.
- From April 29 to May 3 the Guardian Angel Haziel.
Month of May 👼
- From May 4 to 8, the Guardian Angel Aladiah.
- From May 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Laoviah.
- From May 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Hahaiah.
- From May 19 to 23, the Guardian Angel Lezalel.
- From May 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Mebahel.
- From May 29 to June 3 the Guardian Angel Hariel.
Month of June 👼
- From June 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Hakamiah.
- From June 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Lauviah.
- From June 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Caliel.
- From June 19 to 23 the Guardian Angel Leuviah.
- From June 24 to 18 the Guardian Angel Pahaliah.
- From June 29 to July 3 the Guardian Angel Nelchael.
July 👼
- From July 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Leiel.
- From July 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Melahel.
- From July 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Hahiuiah.
- From July 19 to 23 the Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah.
- From July 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Haaiah.
- From July 29 to August 2 the Guardian Angel Ierathel.
Month of August 👼
- From August 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Séheiah.
- From August 8 to 13 the Guardian Angel Reiiel.
- From August 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Omael.
- From August 19 to 23, the Guardian Angel Lecabel.
- From August 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Vasariah.
- From August 29 to September 2 the Guardian Angel Lehahiah.
Month of September 👼
- From September 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Lehahiah.
- From September 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Chavakiah.
- From September 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Menadel.
- From September 18 to 22, the Guardian Angel Aniel.
- From September 23 to 27 the Guardian Angel Haamiah.
- From September 28 to October 2, Guardian Angel Rehael.
Month of October 👼
- From October 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Ieazel.
- From October 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Hahahel.
- From October 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Mikael.
- From October 18 to 22 the Guardian Angel Veualiah.
- From October 23 to 28 the Guardian Angel Yelahiah.
- From October 29 to November 2 Guardian Angel Sealiah.
Month of November 👼
- From November 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Ariel.
- From November 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Asaliah.
- From November 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Mihael.
- From November 18 to 22 the Guardian Angel Vehuel.
- From November 23 to 27 the Guardian Angel Daniel.
- From November 28 to December 2 the Guardian Angel Hahasiah.
Month of December 👼
- From December 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Imamiah.
- From December 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Nanael.
- From December 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Nithael.
- From December 18 to 22 the Guardian Angel Mebahiah.
- From December 23 to 27 the Guardian Angel Poyel.
- From December 28 to January 1 the Guardian Angel Nemamiah.
Now you can know who your guardian angel is in a super simple and fast way, so that in this way you can try to communicate with him and feel more connected to this celestial being that watches over you.
So, as you can see in the list above, with your date of birth you can locate the guardian angel who was entrusted to protect and guide you from the day of your birth until you die.
What is my Guardian Angel According to the Catholic Church?

Although many people often think that guardian angels are deceased relatives who loved us very much at the time, I am sorry to tell you that it does not happen this way, Angels are heavenly beings that God provided us to keep us away from danger and all evil.
Actually the catholic church until now has not given a proper name to all the angels created by God, but if he has confirmed the name of three of them in the sacred writings, which are San Miguel, San Gabriel and San Rafael ⛪.
God does not assign a guardian angel to a person according to a date of birth, since he only sends one of these spiritual beings to care for and protect only that person, that is, these guardian angels are not shared with anyone.
How to Summon my Guardian Angel?
If you have any questions or a problem and you don’t know how to solve it yourself, you can invoke your guardian angel to guide you in what you should do to get out of that inconvenience, and for this you will be told how to do it.
To invoke your guardian angel some prayers are used, among them the main one…
Oh, Holy Angel of my guardian, you take care of my soul from the traps of the evil enemy. Do not abandon me, poor sinner, do not walk away from me because of my recurring faults, giving the evil enemy enough space to defeat me because of my own spiritual weaknesses, strengthen my heart and put me on the path of salvation. Holy Angel of God, guardian and protector of my whole life, forgive me everything for which I have offended you every day of my life. Protect me during this day from all temptation of the enemy, so as not to anger God for any sin. Pray to the Lord for me, my friend, that he may put my name in the Book of Life and make me a worthy servant of his goodness for all eternity. Amen.
Apart from this prayer of invocation, you can use others that can be located in the following link and so take the one that seems best to you:
Now you have the pertinent tools to invoke your guardian angel in a simple way. Remember to drive away any evil thought at that time of prayer.
How to connect with my Guardian Angel?
There are situations in the lives of many people where it is necessary to establish a connection with the guardian angel And, that is why if you are one of those interested, we recommend that you continue reading this section, and then we will tell you the ways to do it:
Step #1.- Practice the habit of gratitude
People who daily feel grateful for what they receive and give thanks to God for it They are the ones that have the greatest ease of connecting with their corresponding angel.
Step #2.- The visualization
Visualization is an act that is considered magical and that many people usually put into practice, because allows them to see beyond what we consider to be real, and although angels are divine beings that exist, not everyone believes it.

Step #3.- Ask for protection
Although the angels are vigilant to protect the people assigned to them, it is important that you ask for their support through a prayer. Whenever you ask for his help, your angel will give it to you.
Step #4.- Take care of yourself
Although your angel watches over you, even when you sleep it is important that don’t stop taking care of yourself, and not because he stops doing it, but so that he notices that you help him too and thus it is a way to get closer to your guardian angel.
Step #5.- Before sleeping and after waking up
It is important that people get used to giving thanks for that day that culminates or that day that begins, before going to sleep and after waking up. just as you should ask your angel to protect and guide you at all times.
These are some of the simplest ways and that we can all do easily day by day to connect with our protective angel.
How to Ask My Guardian Angel for Help?
Catholics have a religious custom to teach the little ones of the house a prayer to ask their protective angel for help, but usually adults stop believing or simply because of their obligations they forget that it is a method to request their protection.
It is noteworthy that it is not only important to ask for their help through prayer, but we must also be noble people with good actions and feelings so that it can work properly. No matter how old you are, say your prayer, your angel will listen to you.
Another efficient methodology to ask for your help it is concentrating and letting go of any grudges and being grateful to God, and simply relaxing your body and mind. The moment you feel whole and at peace will be the time your guardian angel will be close to you.
With these simple strategies you can get closer to your guardian angel and request any type of help or protection. Do not forget that he will always be there for you.
For more information, We invite you to continue documenting yourself in our blog, we will soon be publishing topics related to guardian angels, and other topics of your interest. Before saying goodbye, I would like to ask you to leave your comments below, and tell us how you liked this article 😉 .
When we talk about guardian angels, we are referring to spiritual beings that have been sent by God to earth. to take care of and protect people.
For those interested in this subject here we are going to take care of providing all the information regarding How to know which is my guardian angel? 🙂
How to know which is my Guardian Angel?
Here in this section we are going to indicate the way to know which is my guardian angel, since there are people who believe in this type of spiritual issues and that others begin to believe after living experiences where they feel that there was a miracle.
A simple way to know which is the guardian angel is from the date of birth.
How to Know Which is my Guardian Angel According to my Date of Birth?
Each person has a guardian angel who is in charge of protecting him from all evil, even when that person is away from his angel, since His mission is to ensure the well-being of the group of people who were granted to him by his date of birth.

There are 72 guardian angels, where each one takes care of those born on 5 days of the calendar according to their date of birth, in this way to cover the 365 days of the year, but as you can see there are 5 days left, which are governed by the entire set of angels.
So next we will show you a list with the dates of birth and with the respective guardian angels that correspond to each individual, so that you can guide yourself and know which is your angel;
Month of January 👼
- From January 2 to 6 the Guardian Angel Yeialel.
- From January 7 to 11 the Guardian Angel Harahel.
- From January 12 to 16 the Guardian Angel Mitzrael.
- From January 17 to 21, the Guardian Angel Umabel.
- From January 22 to 26 the Guardian Angel Iah-hel.
- From January 27 to February 1 the Guardian Angel Anauel.
February month 👼
- From February 2 to 6, the Guardian Angel Mehiel.
- From February 7 to 11 the Guardian Angel Damabiah.
- From February 12 to 16 the Guardian Angel Manakel.
- From February 17 to 21, the Guardian Angel Eiael.
- From February 22 to 26 the Guardian Angel Habuhiah.
- From February 27 to March 3 the Guardian Angel Rochel.
Month of March 👼
- From March 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Jabamiah.
- From March 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Haiaiel.
- From March 14 to 19 the Guardian Angel Mumiah.
- From March 20 to 24 the Guardian Angel Vehuiah.
- From March 25 to 29 the Guardian Angel Jeliel.
- From March 30 to April 3 the Guardian Angel Sitael.
Month of April 👼
- From April 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Elemiahl.
- From April 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Mahasiah.
- From April 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Lelahel.
- From April 19 to 23 the Guardian Angel Aciaiah.
- From April 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Cahetel.
- From April 29 to May 3 the Guardian Angel Haziel.
Month of May 👼
- From May 4 to 8, the Guardian Angel Aladiah.
- From May 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Laoviah.
- From May 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Hahaiah.
- From May 19 to 23, the Guardian Angel Lezalel.
- From May 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Mebahel.
- From May 29 to June 3 the Guardian Angel Hariel.
Month of June 👼
- From June 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Hakamiah.
- From June 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Lauviah.
- From June 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Caliel.
- From June 19 to 23 the Guardian Angel Leviah.
- From June 24 to 18 the Guardian Angel Pahaliah.
- From June 29 to July 3 the Guardian Angel Nelchael.

July 👼
- From July 4 to 8 the Guardian Angel Leiel.
- From July 9 to 13 the Guardian Angel Melahel.
- From July 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Hahiuiah.
- From July 19 to 23 the Guardian Angel Nith-Haiah.
- From July 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Haaiah.
- From July 29 to August 2 the Guardian Angel Ierathel.
Month of August 👼
- From August 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Séheiah.
- From August 8 to 13 the Guardian Angel Reiiel.
- From August 14 to 18 the Guardian Angel Omael.
- From August 19 to 23, the Guardian Angel Lecabel.
- From August 24 to 28 the Guardian Angel Vasariah.
- From August 29 to September 2 the Guardian Angel Lehahiah.
Month of September 👼
- From September 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Lehahiah.
- From September 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Chavakiah.
- From September 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Menadel.
- From September 18 to 22, the Guardian Angel Aniel.
- From September 23 to 27 the Guardian Angel Haamiah.
- From September 28 to October 2, Guardian Angel Rehael.
Month of October 👼
- From October 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Ieazel.
- From October 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Hahahel.
- From October 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Mikael.
- From October 18 to 22 the Guardian Angel Veualiah.
- From October 23 to 28 the Guardian Angel Yelahiah.
- From October 29 to November 2 Guardian Angel Sealiah.
Month of November 👼
- From November 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Ariel.
- From November 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Asaliah.
- From November 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Mihael.
- From November 18 to 22 the Guardian Angel Vehuel.
- From November 23 to 27 the Guardian Angel Daniel.
- From November 28 to December 2 the Guardian Angel Hahasiah.
Month of December 👼
- From December 3 to 7 the Guardian Angel Imamiah.
- From December 8 to 12 the Guardian Angel Nanael.
- From December 13 to 17 the Guardian Angel Nithael.
- From December 18 to 22 the Guardian Angel Mebahiah.
- From December 23 to 27 the Guardian Angel Poyel.
- From December 28 to January 1 the Guardian Angel Nemamiah.
Now you can know who your guardian angel is in a super simple and fast way, so that in this way you can try to communicate with him and feel more connected to this celestial being that watches over you.
So, as you can see in the list above, with your date of birth you can locate the guardian angel who was entrusted to protect and guide you from the day of your birth until you die.
What is my Guardian Angel According to the Catholic Church?

Although many people often think that guardian angels are deceased relatives who loved us very much at the time, I am sorry to tell you that it does not happen this way, Angels are heavenly beings that God provided us to keep us away from danger and all evil.
Actually the catholic church until now has not given a proper name to all the angels created by God, but if he has confirmed the name of three of them in the sacred writings, which are San Miguel, San Gabriel and San Rafael ⛪.
God does not assign a guardian angel to a person according to a date of birth, since he only sends one of these spiritual beings to care for and protect only that person, that is, these guardian angels are not shared with anyone.
How to Summon my Guardian Angel?
If you have any questions or a problem and you don’t know how to solve it yourself, you can invoke your guardian angel to guide you in what you should do to get out of that inconvenience, and for this you will be told how to do it.
To invoke your guardian angel some prayers are used, among them the main one…
Oh, Holy Angel of my guardian, you take care of my soul from the traps of the evil enemy. Do not abandon me, poor sinner, do not walk away from me because of my recurring faults, giving the evil enemy enough space to defeat me because of my own spiritual weaknesses, strengthen my heart and put me on the path of salvation. Holy Angel of God, guardian and protector of my whole life, forgive me everything for which I have offended you every day of my life. Protect me during this day from every temptation of the enemy, so as not to anger God for any sin. Pray to the Lord for me, my friend, that he may put my name in the Book of Life and make me a worthy servant of his goodness for all eternity. Amen.
Apart from this prayer of invocation, you can use others that can be located in the following link and so take the one that seems best to you:
Now you have the pertinent tools to invoke your guardian angel in a simple way. Remember to drive away any evil thought at that moment of prayer.
How to connect with my Guardian Angel?
There are situations in the lives of many people where it is necessary to establish a connection with the guardian angel And, that is why if you are one of those interested, we recommend that you continue reading this section, and then we will tell you the ways to do it:
Step #1.- Practice the habit of gratitude
People who daily feel grateful for what they receive and give thanks to God for it They are the ones that have the greatest ease of connecting with their corresponding angel.
Step #2.- The visualization
Visualization is an act that is considered magical and that many people usually put into practice, because allows them to see beyond what we consider to be real, and although angels are divine beings that exist, not everyone believes it.

Step #3.- Ask for protection
Although the angels are vigilant to protect the people assigned to them, it is important that you ask for their support through a prayer. Whenever you ask for his help, your angel will give it to you.
Step #4.- Take care of yourself
Although your angel watches over you, even when you sleep it is important that don’t stop taking care of yourselfand not because he stops doing it, but so that he notices that you help him too and thus it is a way to get closer to your guardian angel.
Step #5.- Before sleeping and after waking up
It is important that people get used to giving thanks for that day that culminates or that day that begins, before going to sleep and after waking up. just as you should ask your angel to protect and guide you at all times.
These are some of the simplest ways and that we can all do easily day by day to connect with our protective angel.
How to Ask My Guardian Angel for Help?
Catholics have a religious custom to teach the little ones of the house a prayer to ask their protective angel for help, but usually adults stop believing or simply because of their obligations they forget that it is a method to request their protection.
It is noteworthy that it is not only important to ask for their help through prayer, but we must also be noble people with good actions and feelings so that it can work properly. No matter how old you are, say your prayer, your angel will listen to you.
Another efficient methodology to ask for your help it is concentrating and letting go of any grudges and being grateful to God, and simply relaxing your body and mind. The moment you feel whole and at peace will be the time your guardian angel will be close to you.
with these simple strategies you can get closer to your guardian angel and request any kind of help or protection. Do not forget that he will always be there for you.
For more information, We invite you to continue documenting yourself in our blog, we will soon be publishing topics related to guardian angels, and other topics of your interest. Before saying goodbye, I would like to ask you to leave your comments below, and tell us how you liked this article 😉 .