How to Make Safe Sports Bets?

It is normal for insecurities to appear when making money bets, especially in the world of sports betting houses. However, we will show you guide on how to make safe sports betsthat allow you to win, minimizing the risk.

Safe Sports Betting

Don’t keep looking for where to make a safe sports bet, you’ve come to the right place, Keep reading so you know the formulas and techniques to make a safe sports betthat is, where your chances of winning are much greater than those of not being victorious.

How to Make Safe Sports Bets?

Making safe sports bets is possible, it only merits applying strategies and being more objective in thought to achieve results, always avoiding getting carried away by the fury of the moment.

To make safe bets, the first thing is determine if you are going to make them in a physical bookmaker or online. Well, in both cases the procedures to follow are different.

How to Make Safe Sports Bets in a Physical Location?


go to perform bets in exchange houses near our home It is the most common way of betting, in this case, the steps to follow to make safe sports bets are:

Step 1: Select the sports bookmaker✔

East step is essential to be able to make a safe bet, since the bookmaker determines everything. The ideal is to go to recommended sites, even if we like the novelty, if we are just starting, the safest thing is to bet where others have already tried.

Once you have your bookmaker options, you must investigate more about them and evaluate the following aspects:

  • Check as much as possible that you have the basic licenses to operate
  • Check that the shipping transactions and withdrawal money be quick
  • Observe its interior, verify that everything internally works in order
  • Read and analyze the rules of playbookmaker terms and conditions

Step 2: Analyze the bet and calculate the probability of winning✔

you have to check all the possible ways you can bet for the same event, in addition, the probability of winning.

If you are just starting out, the ideal is to play it safe, with small bets in small sports betting centers.

Necessary have a deep knowledge in the sports discipline you want to bet on to find out what the safest outcome is to go for it.

Step 3: Select the amount and calculate by installment✔

In this case, it is always necessary to have a calculator at hand, to calculate the quota or amount that you are going to bet. A tip is that you must bet on the 3 installments, that is:

Which establish the 3 possible outcomes that will occur and with it, you are going to receive an amount whatever the result is and you do not lose so much.

To calculate the amount, you must set an initial quota for Winner A and From there, perform the following mathematical formula:

Winner A =Odd A: Initial bet amount

Tie= Quota A x Initial Bet Amount / Quota B

Winner B: Odds A x Initial Bet Amount / Odds C

*The fees are established by the exchange house.

A simple example to better understand the procedure is as follows:

Event: Football match between FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid


  • FC Barcelona 2.30
  • draw 3.50
  • Real Madrid 4.00

Calculate the bet

Winner A (FC Barcelona): 2.30 bets about 10 euros

Draw: 2.30 x 10 euros / 3.50 = 6.57 – Here you bet 6.57 euros

Winner B (Real Madrid): 2.30 x 10 euros / 4.00 = 5.75 – Bets 5.75 euros

In total you must invest: 22.32 euros

Step 4: Make the safe bet✔

Once all these parameters have been calculated, all you have to do is start the bet. If we calculate what will generate the winner whatever the resultyou will see that there will always be a profit even if it is minimal.

Continuing with the previous example:

Winner FC Barcelona: 23 euros

Draw: 23 euros

Real Madrid winner: 23 euros

Subtracting the investment of 22.32 euros you would have a profit of 0.68 euros regardless of what the result is.

In bets of greater amount the profit margin is extended much more.

How to Make Safe Online Sports Bets?

How-To-Make-Safe-Betting-Online-uncomo Hacecom

Do online sports betting can seem a bit risky, due to the fact that we have no control over what happens on the other side of the screen. However, it is possible to place safe sports bets by following the steps below:

Step 1: Select the online bookmaker✔

This is an important step, always look for official websitespopular and recommended.

Step 2: Do some research on the bookmaker through the search engine✔

Read its regulations, operating mechanism, terms and conditions.

Step 3: Once the exchange house is selected✔

Open your account within their platform, accepting all the conditions that are established.

Step 4: User Creation✔

Try that your name does not contain personal information and if you are asked to give any within the form, try to keep it limited without giving so many details.

Step 5: Create a strong password✔

Combine numbers, uppercase, lowercase and special characters. It is confidential never share it.

Step 6: Use test modes✔

That allow you to play without involving money, familiarize yourself with the bookmaker and create strategies to obtain better results at the end of the bets.

Step 7: Enter payment and deposit methods✔

This is the most worrying issue in online bettinghowever, we will give you some tips to do before entering this information:

  • Check that in the browser search bar when opening the payment form have a padlock. This is the shield symbol to the web, if it does not have it, leave the room because it is not safe.
  • The domain “http” must have an “S”, this “s” means “Security” therefore, the domain used is safe for these transactions. Verify that it is like this: “https://”

Step 8: Payment methods ready✔

Start the game, from here apply steps 2,3 and 4 that we explained earlier for the bet, which are:

  • Analyze the bet and calculate the probability of winning
  • Select the amount and calculate by installment
  • make sure bet

Step 9: The game procedure is the same on the web as in the physical store✔

They are the same operating software.

Step 10: If you win… Verify that the deposit✔

Check that the payments of the plays are debited, as well as the amount won.

Step 11: Once you have received your payment✔

You have to log out of the bookmakerbecause just closing the browser does not guarantee security.

How to Know if a Bet is Safe?

To know if a sports bet is safe, you have to know how to identify them and evaluate the chances of losing or winningto finally generate a forecast that allows you to continue with the idea of ​​betting or folding.

Believe it or not, everything is mathematical To know if a bet is safe, basically we have to see if the spread is negative or less than 100%, if so, the bet is safe.

The spread is nothing more than a measure of the profit margin that the bookmaker has or offers, which is variable between them since it depends directly on the odds that are offered.


How to Calculate the Spread?

Calculate the spread allows you to locate and identify safe sports betting, for this, the formula to apply is the following:

Probability = 100 / quota = Result in Percentage (%)

Spread = Sum of all percentages

For example: If we are going to calculate the spread of a bet for a football match between FC Barcelona vs. Atletico Madrid, whose fees are as follows:

Apply the probability formulas:

  • FC Barcelona = 100 / 2.30 = 43.47%
  • Tie = 100 / 3.50 = 28.57%
  • Atletico Madrid = 100 / 4 = 25%

Later, the spread formula is applied: 43.47% + 28.57% + 25% = 97.04%

As you can see, the result was negative (Less than 100%) that indicates that the quotas are not accurately designed or pre-calculated which leaves a wide margin of probability to win the bet safely.

How to know if a bet has value?

Value bets are those made in order to offer a greater amount of money to which it should have.

To know if it really has value, it is necessary, calculate the probability of events occurring according to the development that the competitors of the sports activities have had, in the last 20 to 30 competitions.

An example, to understand if a bet has value is the following:

  1. In a football game we are going to calculate what is the probability that team A will score a goal in the first half of match time.
  2. We verify your performance in the first half in the previous 30 games of football disputed. We see that he has scored a goal in 25 games and in the other 5 he has not scored.
  3. The probability of scoring a goal is summarized in 25 /30 = 0.83
  4. if we carry this to percentage multiplying by 100, we see that the probability is 83% that he will score a goal in the first half.
  5. From this, the quota is established, taking that result in reverse: 100/83 = 1.20

How do we see if it has value? simply, we see the quota established by the bookmaker and compare, if it is greater than 1.20 it means that the bet has value.


Safe Bet Today: Identify safe bets

The main way of identify safe bets is by calculating the Spread as we saw earlier. This is complemented of course with the study of the website or safe betting house and all the parameters that we have been detailing.

However, if you feel that today is your lucky day and you need a new breath to win at sure bets you can consult Safe bet calculators or programs To find safe bets, some of the main options are:

Where to Look for Safe Bets? Find out where to place your safe bets

The Top of the best sports betting houses where you can make your bets and win without risk, are the following:

  1. 888 Sport –
  2. Bet365 –
  3. Codere –
  4. Betsson-
  5. William Hill-

Do Safe Sports Betting Really Exist?

The answer is yes. Sports betting is considered safe because you will always have a profit margin, even if it is minimal, however, for expert bettors are not profitable precisely for this reason, because the gains are small and limited.

So if you apply these recommendations you can start to make safe sports bets, since definitely, it is not always a matter of chance but of mathematical formulations.

For this and other information, I invite you to continue enjoying the content that we will be publishing on our blog.

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